6 Reasons Vegans Make Amazing Entrepreneurs


To be an entrepreneur takes a certain type of person, it’s a profession that’s not for the faint of heart. Vegans I belive are also cut from the very same cloth in many ways, they know what they want and aren’t afraid to take action.

I’ve broken below 6 down reasons that I believe make vegans unstoppable entrepreneurs.

1. The Ability to Think Independently

Independent thinking is a crucial trait of vegans who have looked at the way society operates, the cultures that surround food, the myths that scare parents into forcing their kids to drink the breast milk of other species or the human-made egoic narratives of being some apex predator that tops the food chain.

Vegans have managed to wake up to the cultural myths, and have walked the other way calmly choosing to live in a world where sausage rolls don’t have to contain any dead animal parts!

Entrepreneurs are no different they too have looked at the current state of the world and questioned why? Why do we take that limit as a given, why not improve that person’s life, with a new type of service? Why not make a difference in the world by trying something new something that is a bit different!

2. Compassion for Othersman holding card with seeking human kindness text

Vegans want a better world for others whether this is a healthier family, innocent animals left in peace or the planet not being destroyed, vegans give a shit.

Its this very trait that creates successful entrepreneurs, no entrepreneur will ever build a successful business by focusing on their own needs, no to be an entrepreneur you need to focus on and then work out a way to help overcome this problem!

3. Driven by Purpose

Both vegans and entrepreneurs are both motivated by a sincere desire to do something

more than sitting back and enjoy the ride of life as if the world owes them and not the other way around, they both want to take control and get into the driver’s seat.

Both want to find a sense of freedom from the constraints imposed upon them. Neither are the types of people who can just let the world happen to them. If there’s an injustice in the world, there’s a heart-centred human nearby plotting to make things better!

4.Risk Takerswoman standing at beach beside shark signage

Yes, risk-taking is not always a good idea in all circumstances, like crossing the road with your eyes shut, you have very little to gain and lots to lose on the other hand vegan entrepreneurs have everything to gain.

From saving the world to ending the exploitation of animals and providing for your family. It’s always worth the risk of being unpopular with the average human.

5. Focus on what is important

Entrepreneurs are experts at putting all their focus into one place as they know that spreading themself too thin will mean that you become a jack of all master of none.

Vegans are good at doing this also, they avoiding listening to the trivial and focus on the big issues that veganism tackles.


6. There is no other way!black and white fist-printed poster on a metal post

There has been a considerable amount of successful entrepreneurs who were only concerned by material profit and the shareholder’s greed and would stop at nothing no matter who they hurt, whether or not the land was destroyed or how many had to die for their insignificant gains.

To bring about change it is so important to step up and start businesses, become influencers and thought leaders because only then, when the world is influenced by heart-centred compassionate leaders will we start seeing the change that this planet so desperately needs.

And just imagine,  the combined force of those two passionate mindsets driving the heart-centred revolution, it will be unstoppable!


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Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.




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